One of the things that was nice about our house was we had parking for a trailer next to our driveway. Not many houses in our neighborhood can claim that. We live on a corner and when the builder was going to place our house on the lot they talked to us about it. They wanted to move our house as far away from the street as possible. We nixed that idea. We told them to build it as close to the street as possible. Our living room was the room next to the street, not our bedroom so we weren’t worried about noise. The nice thing about doing this is that it put our house 14′ from the neighbors lot line.
When we initially got our trailer, we put down some pea gravel to park it on and parked it right next to our driveway:

The problem with this (not shown in this picture) was the the nose of the trailer was VERY high and the wheels were sitting on an incline. Not too stable of a setup. So I did this:

I dug out where the wheels would be. This made less of an incline for the wheels and it lowered the nose tremendously. A side effect was it was easier to park since I had a spot to aim for and the back birm let me know when it was in.
Forward to about 2 months ago. We have been doing some remodeling to our house. One of the things was to concrete in at the side (remember that 14′ wide section) for parking for the trailer. We also had to change the gate configuration. But it is done. We now have a place to park the trailer by our house and behind a fence. I think our neighbors like us better now that the trailer is not blocking their view, plus we have a place to park our daughter’s leaky ’83 El Camino. Here is a pic of the trailer in its’ new hiding space (I did have to relocate the satellite dish a bit higher).